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Welcome to Piétrain Denmark

Introducing Piétrain Denmark
Breeding program & Breeding objectives
Introducing the best Piétrain in the world
Health & Biosecurity at Piétrain Denmark
Top Carcass & meat quality of Piétrain Denmark
Features of Piétrain Denmark purebred pigs


Introducing Piétrain Denmark
Breeding program and breeding objectives
Introducing the best Piétrain in the world
Health and biosecurity at Piétrain Denmark
Top carcass and meat qualiyt of Piétrain Denmark
Features of Piétrain Denmark purebred pigs


Welcome to Piétrain Denmark

Introducing Piétrain Denmark
Breeding program and breeding objectives
Introducing the best Piétrain in the world
Health & Biosecurity at Piétrain Denmark
Top Carcass & meat quality of Piétrain Denmark
Features of Piétrain Denmark purebred pigs


Introducing Pietrain Denmark
Breeding program and breeding objectives
Introducing the best Pietrain in the world!
Health and biosecurity at Pietrain Denmark
Top carcass and meat quality o Pietrain Denmark
Features of Pietrain Denmark purebred pigs


Introducing Piétrain Denmark
Breeding program and breeding objectives
Introducing the best Piétrain in the world!
Health and biosecurity at Piétrain Denmark
Top carcass and meat quality of Piétrain Denmark
Features of Piétrain Denmark


Introducing Piétrain Denmark
Breeding program and Breeding objectives
Introducing the best Piétrain in the world!
Health and biosecurity at Piétrain Denmark
Top carcass and meat quality of Piétrain Denmark
Features of Piétraín Denmark

Head Office Opening Hours

Office Opening Hours
Monday - Thursday    : 7.30 - 16.00
Friday                       : 7.30 - 14.30
Saturday & Sunday    : Closed
Time zone                 : GMT +1




T +45 2167 7194

Ørbækvej 276, DK-Odense SØ

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