Our mission is to breed the world’s best performing purebred Piétrain with the highest health status in the world still combined with highest quality of pig.
Our vision is to deliver First Class Premium animals and consultancy all over the world
Core Values
We have four core values as follows:
We are honored and proud to work with Píetrain Purebred.
We take care of the brand, we take care of the animals all the way and we take care of you as customer.
We take care of the brand, we take care of the animals all the way and we take care of you as customer.
Our staff in the stables as well as in the office are all dedicated in the work with our Piétrain animals.
We are always professional every step in the way and set high standards in everything we to.
We have great expertise in regards to veterinary and farming matters.
Our mutual relation matters most
The most important thing for us in Piétrain Denmark and in Eskebjerg Breeding Center is to make you a satisfied business partner. We feel confident that we can deliver exactly the product you want, but our mutual relationship is just as important.
We live by the rule that you should have full confidence in us as a supplier of the best Piétrain genetics in the world.
We live by the rule that you should have full confidence in us as a supplier of the best Piétrain genetics in the world.

We are dedicated in our work!
We never give up - even when the work day turns into a work night.
We take great care about our pigs as well as our customers.